Friday, May 28, 2010


Something really pissed me off today!! i hate making phone call, so most of the time, i need the courage to pick up the phone n call, esp. to someone who i totally hv no idea of. My clinical placement is starting soon so i need my roster to apply for parking permit at charles for afternoon shift and night shift. my school told me to call this number – the number of the ward which im going to. So i prayed for courage then i called. It ended up in some place/ward in Charles and left me no idea what ward i’ve called...then the nice person refer me to the my ward but then found out that the person who i should speak to is not on the floor, told me to call back an hour later and gave me another phone number to call. Okay! 0930 is here. It’s time to call again. And YES! I’ve found the VIP!! VERY IMPORTANT PERSON!! So, i asked for my roster. “Sorry hun, we are currently having the staff crisis so the roster is unavailable...” Unavailable, unavailable, unavailable............WAH!!!! I’ve made this far and u tell me it’s unavailable due to your hospital’s staff crisis and bla..that’s none of my business!! I just want my roster!!! Is it that hard?! And no clear details of how n where to meet on the first day some more........ sigh............what should i do then??!! They never care about poor student’s feeling..................... First day’s feeling is usually: nervous, fear and anxiety, disoriented, confused.... they do not care..........

phew, 舒服多了~

Thursday, May 27, 2010


眼睛不停的往电话那里瞄。。都要与电话擦出爱的火花了我要! 还没打来呀~~~~~继续等~~~~~~~~~~
刚刚和姐姐通话,很累的感觉,因为麻醉药的关系。姐姐!做得很好~! 你又再次当妈妈了~恭喜恭喜~我也再次当阿姨了~~恭喜恭喜~!宝宝还没看到~~~~还没看到~~~~~~
看到宝宝的照片了!!!!好可爱~~~~好多头发~像他姐姐刚刚出生的时候~头发茂密啊!又一个值得我羡慕的毛发~ Boy boy啊,要健康长大哦!!阿姨在远方看着你呢~你feel到了吗?哈哈~ ah b 也一样哦!不要吃醋。阿姨还是爱你的~~~=3=

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


欢迎光临宝蓝色毛毛虫的新家~!! ^^

不过毛毛虫会加油的啦。毕竟刚刚搬家,空空的感觉也不好~ 几个字一个post也ok的啦,对不?

毛毛虫用了将近一个月零零碎碎地时间拼凑起来的图和background。还不错吧? *自豪中* 自己有点点时间就上网摸索一点,然后一点一点拼凑。HTML看到我眼睛都花了。。。不过摸到一点头绪就不是很乱了,还蛮容易一下。XD 喜欢blogspot的最大一点就是它可以播歌曲。Wordpress就输在这里咯。要放歌?可以!你还钱咯~background不能改,只可以用它已经做好的skin。有点无趣~不过它还是有好它的好处啦。就是很简单,干净的感觉咯~但我觉得我一经简单干净了很久所以决定来点不一样的。呵呵~

虽然不确定会不会常更新,但还是希望看客涌流哈~留个言也是好的~至少让我知道你还在~ ^^